We’re Seeing ALL The Whales!

We’re Seeing ALL The Whales!

In recent days we have been seeing all four species of whales that spend time in the Salish Sea. Minke whales and humpback whales are starting to arrive from their migrations, a group of “Sounder” gray whales are still here feeding prior to resuming their...
First Humpback Sighting of 2024!

First Humpback Sighting of 2024!

Our Port Townsend-based whale watching tour on April 19, 2024, had the good fortune of spending time with our first humpback of 2024! We started the day visiting the T99 and T18 families of Bigg’s orcas on Salmon Bank. We then ventured to Gordon Head on...
9 Gray Whales Have Returned to Puget Sound!

9 Gray Whales Have Returned to Puget Sound!

There are at least 9 gray whales confirmed to have returned to Puget Sound so far this year and more should be arriving in the next few weeks!  This week has been a good one for new arrivals including our boats documenting the first sightings of the year for CRC-2249...
New Calf in T36 Bigg’s Orca Pod

New Calf in T36 Bigg’s Orca Pod

There is a new calf in the T36 pod already this year and we’ve had some excellent chances to see it on some of our trips this month! The mom is T36B (Tattertip) and the new calf is T36B4, her fourth offspring. The calf was first documented around February 6 during a...
2024 Gray Whale Tours Start February 14

2024 Gray Whale Tours Start February 14

Whale you be my Valentine? We’re starting our 2024 Gray Whale Tours in Edmonds on Valentine’s Day! Help us kick off the new year with the love of your life. We’ll be handing out roses on tours February 14-17, 2024, and we’ve partnered with...
The T18 pod chases a Minke Whale!

The T18 pod chases a Minke Whale!

Monday we witnessed a real rarity during our morning trip from Edmonds and the am 4 hour trip from Port Townsend! The T18 pod of Bigg’s killer whales hunted a minke whale right before our passenger’s eyes! This impressive pod includes 3 generations of adults; T18...