Apr 10, 2017
Puget Sound Express would like to request that you join our family in OPPOSING the petition sent to NOAA by the wealthy residents on the West side of San Juan Island to block boats under the guise of a ‘whale protection zone.’ It is our belief that this...
Apr 7, 2017
So far in 2017, we’re having a lot of fun on our Gray Whale Watching tours hanging out with gray whale #383. In general, gray whales aren’t quite as showy as humpbacks and orcas, but 383 is giving them a run for their money this year. Loads of...
Mar 29, 2017
Our “Saratoga Grays” have been keeping us on our toes in 2017! We started out the season with 2 migrating gray whales, but as of the end of Marchs, we are now up to 6, with more on the way. So far we have seen #49 Patch, #53 Little Patch, #56, #44...
Mar 15, 2017
Sarah Hanke from Puget Sound Express joined KING 5 last weekend to talk about the return of gray whales to Puget Sound. Learn more about the whales from Sarah and then be sure to book your ticket to go on one of our gray whale watching tours!
Mar 14, 2017
PSE recently took a group of bird and wildlife experts on a cruise to Protection Island National Wildlife Refuge, home to some of the last remaining undeveloped habitat for many burrow-nesting seabirds in the Salish Sea. One of the participants, Kyle Elliott share...
Mar 2, 2017
So who will the first of the “Saratoga Grays” turn out to be? Will it be #723 “Lucifer” (back with white spots shown here) or #49 “Patch”? Inquiring minds want to know! Join us for Guaranteed Gray Whale Tours starting on March 11,...