Jul 19, 2018
On July 13 we had a few familiar families of transient killer whales visit Puget Sound, and they brought an adult male with them that we rarely see. It was T37, the T37Bpod, the T34pod, and T73B. The T37s, and T34s are regular visitors to our area, but T73B, an...
Jul 19, 2018
Scratchy, a humpback whale that has yet to be given an alphanumeric ID from the researchers, spent a few weeks near Deception Pass, the north end of Whidbey Island, and Smith Island. We saw this whale several times from all our boats during that same period of time. ...
Jul 9, 2018
Its not everyday we get visited by what are known as “Exotic” transient (Bigg’s) killer whales/orcas. The exotics are those that often have only been seen once and, sometimes, not for many years. On June 27, 2018, Captain Christopher was surprised...
May 16, 2018
Minke whales have been busy lately lunge feeding on schools of fish known as bait balls. Check out this lunge action!
Apr 30, 2018
Video taken April 30, 2018 by Puget Sound Express Naturalist Renee Beitzel. In addition to seeing the T65As today, we also were able to hear them on our hydrophone. Normally, transient killer whales are silent when hunting and with good reason. They hunt marine...
Apr 29, 2018
T65A6 surfaces right next to Mom (T65A)We had another great visit with the T65A pod in Dabob Bay again today from Chilkat Express. Here are some new photos of the new calf having some fun with the family. Naturalist, Bart Rulon