New Calf Seen with the T46C Pod

The T46 and T46C pods swam into Puget Sound recently and we had great views of them on November 2 and 3 during our tours from Edmonds. November 3 was pretty special because we found both of these pods within 20 minutes of leaving our dock in Edmonds.  It was a true...

Puget Sound Express Sees New T123 Orca Calf

Puget Sound Express was thrilled to encounter a new orca family member on October 11, 2018. We had heard reports that a new orca calf had been born in the transient T123 pod. So it was with great joy that as we neared Henry Island in the San Juan Islands, we caught...

Sept 13, 2018 Southern Resident Superpod

Today was a tale of two stories. On the one hand, we learned that young J50 – Scarlett – one of the younger members of the SRKW J-Pod – was declared dead by researcher Ken Balcomb of the Center for Whale Research. On the other hand (and perhaps...

Fantastic Breaches from T100C!

We had the perfect ending to a fantastic day of watching three pods of transient killer whales in Saratoga Passage on August 18, 2018.  The three families included the T100 pod, T34 pod, T37 & T37B pod.  These 11 orcas were swimming north and south through...

The T46 and T137 pods Wow us in Puget Sound

We love it when whales come into Puget Sound, and it’s becoming much more common than it used to be!  We are the only company that can venture deep into the sound to find whales and its been fantastic.  Recently the T137 pod, T46 pod, and T122 (9 orcas) have...