Jul 2, 2019
Meet yet another new transient killer whale calf! On our afternoon trip from Edmonds, July 1, we spotted a new calf swimming with T37, the T37B pod, and the T34 pod. We don’t know who the mother is yet because we saw the little one swimming around with several...
Jul 2, 2019
We’ve had so much fun with the T37 pod of Bigg’s orcas recently. On July 1, 2019, PSE Captain Brian McGinn captured some video of the T37s breaching up a storm near McArthur...
Jul 1, 2019
Meet the newest member of the T37A pod! At only months old, presumably this is T37A5 as he/she has been swimming right next to T37A most of the time. We saw this family on many of our trips June 30, near Victoria, BC. The transient killer whales are doing very well...
Jun 22, 2019
On June 20 we found the T124A pod near Whale Rocks at Cattle Pass from our Edmonds trip on the MV Saratoga. Shortly after arriving the pod went on the hunt, chasing a big Steller sea lion! The orcas slashed and lunged at the sea lion in a flurry of activity, and...
Jun 6, 2019
Come to Fort Worden on June 15, 2019 to celebrate the iconic species of the Salish Sea, Orca & Salmon! The 3rd annual Port Townsend Orca & Salmon Festival takes place from 11am-3pm at the Port Townsend Marine Science Center, where we will officially kick off...
May 26, 2019
Trip Report and Photos provided by Photographer/PSE Naturalist Bart Rulon. On May 25, 2019, whale watching vessels from Puget Sound Express came across the T101 pod just west of Cultus Bay, south Whidbey Island. This is a unique Bigg’s orca (or transient) pod...